How It Works
  • Inquiry Details

    Product inquiry details like colors, sizes, quantity and design are received and reviewed

  • Quotation

    Prices are quoted according to the received details

  • Sampling

    Once prices are finalized then samples are being produced and dispatched

  • Production

    After samples approval and advance payment receipt we start order production process until the shipment is ready

  • Delivery

    Once shipment is ready we arrange pickup or delivery according to the terms finalized with buyer

Why choose us
ISO Certified

We are ISO 9001:2008 certified company, certification is a useful tool to add credibility, by demonstrating that your product or service meets the expectations of your customers.

Best Prices

Our prices are unbeatable, Our FOB prices for best quality jeans pants ranges from $4 - $8 depends on buyer's styling and design requirements.

On Time Shipment

We have delivered 80% of our shipments on time, We are highly expert in our field and have time estimates of every process it takes to complete shipment.

Rating & Reviews

  • We orders 500 women jackets, delivery was on time and quality was also good, we repeated our order

    Brand Owner, USA

  • Pants quality was awesome but shipment was 2 weeks late, had not much good expeience but will try them again

    Wholesaler, UK

  • Awesome quality better than China, Pakistani jeans have real denim looks and price is also cheap, regular client of PK apparel

    Store Owner, Germany

  • Communication is bit slow but overall expeience of denim quality and on time delivery is good, anyway liked them

    Amazon Retailer, UK

Questions - FAQs

What is your MOQ for available stock?

There is no MOQ for availabe stock, you can even buy 1 set of each style or color

What is your MOQ for custom order?

For custom design order our MOQ is 100 pieces per style per color

Do you send samples and how much it costs?

Yes, we send samples and for available samples cost per piece is $50 including shipping worldwide delivered in 24 hours.

For custom design samples cost is according to design and delivered in 2 weeks.

Are you manufacturer, wholesaler or trader?

We have our own manufacturing unit with capacity of 3000 pieces per day

What is your order delivery time?

Our order delivery time is 3-4 weeks after order confirmation

What shipping modes you are working?

Ex-factory, FOB, CIF etc

What payment methods do you accept?

For Samples: Credit/Debit Card, Western Union etc.

For Orders: LC, Bank Transfers etc.